State Masters meet on 2025-March-02. *For affilition of schools from this accademy.. Contact +91 94468 59678, 94461 16636...

Kung Fu - Yoga Federation, Kerala [KYFK]

Kung Fu is a popular martial art, spreading fast in India and abroad. Developed in China by Buddhist monks. It is meant chiefly for self defence not for attacks for inhuman purpose. It is basically skill, internal and external power, patience, self control, meditation and endurance of the student that result in spectacular performance.

In this modern age we are struggling with so many diseases (physically and mentally) the main reason is lack of exercise. All are struggling with stress and tension. We are running after money and fame, there is no time to understand ourselves and our fellow beings and also our mother nature. If you practice Kung Fu systematically you can attain mental relaxation and you can sleep well.

Kung fu


Kung fu provides you sincerity, patience, self control, self acceptance, self respect, Leadership quality, physical fitness, good concentration, true martial art fighting spirit and gives quality to respect to others, courage to overcome fear etc.



Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. There is a broad variety of Yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Among the most well-known types of yoga are Hatha yoga and Rāja yoga.

Latest News & Events


Sifu M.G. Dileep (VII Dan Black Belt Shaolin Kung-Fu)

Dileep Master1(Founder , State President, Chief Examiner & National Coach)
Contact No : 9446116636

He started to study Shaolin Kung-Fu in 1988 and got Black Belt in the first Shaolin Kung-Fu camp conducted in 1990 in Kerala. He attained Taekwondo Black Belt in 2007. He has degree in Yoga and Naturopathi from Mahatma Gandhi University in Kerala State and yoga therapy from Tamil Nadu physical Education University.


Sifu V.N. Vijayan ( VII Dan Black Belt, Shaolin Kung-Fu)

Vijayan Master1(Founder , State Secreatry, chief instructor & Technical Director)
Contact no : 9446859678

He started to study Shaolin Kung-Fu in 1988 and got back Black Belt in the first Shaolin Kung-Fu Camp Conducted in 1990 in Kerala. He completed his Taekwondo studies in 2007.


State Masters meet on 2025-March-02. *For affilition of schools from this accademy.. Contact +91 94468 59678, 94461 16636...